Our concierge inspired manner to International Business Transition means we closely supervise every aspect from personal needs through business requirements.

Professionals building a deep business relationship.

We focus on…

Guarantee Switchover

Transfer of personal guarantees, including utility bills, website administration, insurance, bank accounts, and many more items and autonomies, is a crucial phase of ownership transition.

Our team ensures this phase is executed in a timely fashion so the previous owner does not control these important assets and correspondence after the ownership has changed hands.

New Management Vision

Similarly, we help new owners execute their vision and protocols seamlessly into the operations conducted during and after the transition of ownership.

From determining how and when to announce the transition to ensure clear communication of new practices to employees for avoiding confusion, we can help you share your vision and enforce it effectively.

Due Diligence

We also serve our clients with expert due diligence in the preliminary stages of the deal so that you can make informed decisions about the takeover and with all important data regarding the ownership of the acquisition target you are considering.

We offer a concierge experience when it comes to business transition.